National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 2 of 2 records found
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Stella Maris Convent

McMahons Road, FRANKSTON VIC 3199 - Property No B5928

Demolished: 1988



Former St Helens

Stella Maris Convent

Bay Street, NORTH GEELONG VIC 3215 - Property No B1729

The two sroey Italianate mansion formerly known as 'St Helens' and now the Stella Maris Convent may have been erected as early as 1849 for G F Read Jnr, only son of G F Read , merchant and banker of Hobart. This two storey ashlar Barabool stone house with encircling verandah is a transitional Italianate design, symmetrially arrananged. It is one of the earliest mansion houses in Geelong and now substantially defaced. G F Read Jnr was an important pioneer squatter in ... more

